Schools Team Development
Who Dares Group is able to provide a unique, industry leading experience for schools and colleges looking for student training and guidance. Our core brand relies on our extensive Special Forces service, to impart our knowledge in an educational and enjoyable setting.
About US
Our mission is to guide your students through intuitive training, mental-resilience coaching, life coaching, and more.
Your package will be tailor made to you and your student’s requirements. We wholeheartedly believe that under our guidance, students will walk away with an improved level of mental robustness, with life lessons to take away that will allow them to develop:
- Confidence
- Discipline
- Maturity
- Respect for their teachers, each other, and themselves
- Working with courage and independence
- Speaking with compassion

These packages are designed and led by our CEO and founder, Leo Walker.
His experience in the Royal Marines training team, prior to his UK Special Forces service, has given him the knowledge and experience to guide recruits as young as 16 through some of the world’s most arduous military training. In recent years, he has taken groups of children and teenagers, from various backgrounds, through a variety of programmes, inspiring them to develop confidence, discipline, and life ambition.

Military Insight Experience – Op Commando
Run as a 1-, 2-, or 3-day Event
This is a multi-day insight package, giving students the opportunity to experience life as a soldier in training. Activities include intermittent periods of military-style physical training, team-based activities based off map reading and military leadership, and a full night spent out in the ‘field’, with accompanying lessons on how to set up shelter and survive off the land.
Students will develop the key skills of team building, self-discipline, and respect for not only each other, but for their teachers. This will all take place in a safe and controlled manner, with constant supervision and control.
This package has already taken place on-site at our Bournemouth Beach HQ, with time also spent at a partner hotel, and a local woodblock. This package can be adapted to take place at the school.
Sports Team Training
Run as a 2-hour, Half Day, or Full Day Event
At Who Dares Group, we offer a unique, Sports Team style training experience for young adults, that will help them to develop confidence, resilience, and respect for not only themselves and their team members, but also for their training staff.
We wholeheartedly believe that under our guidance, the students will walk away with an improved level of mental robustness and team cohesion, with life lessons to take away that will allow them to reach peak performance in their field.

Self-Defence and Confidence Training
Run as a 2-hour, Half Day, Full Day Event
We offer courses in teaching self-defence and situational awareness to kids and teenagers, in order to equip them with the skills to de-escalate tough situations, and to develop confidence and discipline.
We can tailor the course to suit your needs, but it has been designed to be a weekly or monthly course run throughout term time, either at our beach gym or at your school.